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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. De Vries, Bert, "The Islamic Bath at Tell Ḥesbân." In The Archaeology of Jordan and Other Studies Presented to Siegfried H. Horn. edited byGeraty, Lawrence T.//Herr, Larry G..223-235. Berrien Springs, Michigan: Andrews University Press, 1986.
Subjects: Excavations/Places--Hisban
2. De Vries, Bert, "Hesban in the Ayyubid and Mamluk Periods." In Hesban after 25 Years. Edited by Merling, David//Geraty, Lawrence T.. 151-166. Berrien Springs, Michigan: Institute of Archaeology, Siegfried H. Horn Archaeological Museum, Andrews University, 1994.
Subjects: Excavations/Places--Hisban
3. De Vries, Bert. Review of The Islamic Baths of Palestine, by Martin Dow. American Journal of Archaeology 102, 1 (1998): 220.
Subjects: Architecture/Places--Palestine



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